Legal Structure

In common with many, if not most, charitable organisations in Ireland, Pieta is structured as a private company limited by guarantee and registered under Part 18 of the Companies Act 2014.

Advantages of this structure is that Pieta has a separate legal identity and limited liability and reflects the fact that the organisation has no shares, no possibility of a profit and no required distribution of assets to members in the event of a winding up. All companies are required by law to have a Constitution.

Charitable Status

Pieta is also registered as a charity. The charity number is CHY16913. Registration as a charity means the company is governed by charity-specific legislation (primarily the Charities Act 2009), can avail of beneficial taxation breaks and undertake specific types of fundraising.

Organisations that are registered as charities must comply with specific charity laws and regulations, including being registered on the charity register and ensuring all letters and formal documents of the company state this fact as well as the charity number. In relation to accounting, the Companies Registration Office (CRO) will automatically forward all financial documents to the Charities Regulator. The regulator must also be informed of the names of all trustees.