Pieta is a suicide prevention charity providing services within the Republic of Ireland. Our qualified staff specialise in suicide & self-harm prevention and bereavement support in the case of loss by suicide.

Whether you’re in crisis or know someone who is, we’re here to offer free expert advice and practical help and support. We have a crisis helpline, provide phone and video therapy nationally and have bereavement liaison officers working to support individuals and communities in 24 counties. You are not alone.


Recognise the SIGNs

If you’re worried that a friend or loved one is thinking of suicide – here are some of the key warning signs to watch out for:

Listen to what they say:

  • Talking or writing about hurting themselves, dying, or saying that they want to die.

  • Talking about ways to die or having a suicide plan.

  • Saying that ‘nothing is going to change' or they feel like a ‘burden’.

  • Saying they have no purpose in their lives, that they feel hopeless.

Behavioural changes:

  • Engaging in self-harm or risk-taking behaviour.

  • Giving items away or saying goodbye to people.

  • Becoming more inward-looking and withdrawing from family and friends.

  • Changes in their sleep patterns – too much or too little sleep.

  • Extreme emotions or dramatic changes in mood.

  • Increasing their use of drugs or alcohol.

If you recognise one or more of these warning signs in a loved one’s behaviour, don’t wait for someone else to do something.

Contact Pieta by reaching out to us on our 24/7 Crisis Helpline.

If you believe someone is considering suicide, the APR approach may help:

If the person is opening up to you, engage them in a nonjudgemental manner with empathy and don’t be afraid to ask them directly if they are struggling with thoughts of suicide or self-harming behaviour.

Ask them directly, “Are you thinking about suicide or wanting to kill yourself?” - Don’t say, “Do you want to hurt yourself?” Self-harming is not the same as suicide.

The reality is that talking to them openly and honestly is one of the best things you can do. Just listening is one of the most powerful tools we have.


Calmly and gently try to persuade the person to seek help or to allow you to assist them in getting help. Say “Will you go with me to get help?” or “Will you let me assist you to get help?”

Or ask them to agree not to act on their suicidal thoughts until you’ve arranged help for them. If you can’t persuade them to seek help in person straight away; remember that Pieta’s Crisis Helpline is open 24 hours a day.


As quickly as you can, refer or guide the person you are concerned about to Pieta to your doctor or local mental health service. If you can, make the call with them or travel with them to the appointment.

Remember, most people who talk about suicide do not want to die. They want to stop the pain they feel.


Do You Have A Question?

We have collected the most frequently asked questions that people have asked regarding Pieta and its services. If you are new to our services or our website, we encourage you to have a look through them. Thank you.

If you or your loved one are in immediate danger or have a medical emergency, please call Emergency Services on 112 or 999 now.