Here we hope to answer any queries you may have regarding the Facebook Challenge: 5k a Day in May

Thank you so much for signing up to Pieta's 5k a Day in May Challenge. We are so grateful for your support which will help us maintain our free, nationwide services for people who are experiencing suicidal ideation, engaging in self-harm or those who have been bereaved by suicide.

Thank you from everyone at Pieta.

Q. What is Pieta’s 5k a Day in May Challenge?

A. Pieta’s challenge is asking you to walk 5K a day each day in May. On May 6th, you are welcome to join the official DIL walks with hundreds of others supporting Pieta’s services.

 Q. How do I take part?

A. Sign up for the 5k a Day in May Challenge and get your FREE T-shirt here. After you’ve registered for your T-shirt, you can automatically start your Facebook fundraiser.

Q. Is there a Facebook Group for this challenge?

A. Yes – you can join the Facebook Group and share updates on your progress with other people in the Pieta community here.

Q. Can I take part in a Darkness Into Light Walk

A. Yes, you can! We are asking that anyone taking part pledges to raise a minimum of €200 for Darkness into Light. DIL is happening on May 6th, which falls into the challenge. You can find your closest venue here

Q. Why have some people in the Facebook Group started the challenge already?

A. Some people may have started walking and fundraising for the challenge before May 1st, but most people are starting the challenge on May 1st and sharing the journey together! 

Q. How do I track the 5k?

A. You will receive a tracker via email and in the group, you can print this off to help you keep a tally of the kilometres you’re walking.

Q. Do I have to walk for the challenge?

A. The challenge is a walking challenge, but you can walk, run, or jog if you like.

Q. I don’t want to create a Facebook fundraiser – what can I do?

A. Pieta is using Facebook for the 5k a Day in May Challenge. It’s the easiest way to fundraise and helps us keep all the funds raised on the same platform :) But if you don’t want to start a fundraiser, you can directly donate to the Darkness Into Light website here using the reference 5kminmay23

Q. Can I get sponsorship cards?

A. Unfortunately, we don’t have any sponsorship cards for this event. We are using Facebook to support participants and set up online donations.  

Q. Can I do a shorter/longer/earlier/later challenge?

A. Yes! Every 5k will help Pieta. So, do this challenge in whatever way works best for you. Every person walking for Pieta is very much appreciated! 

 Q. When will my T-shirt arrive?

A. T-shirts will be posted out, and it will roughly take 4-5 working days for your T-shirt to arrive. If you are experiencing major delays, please email  

Q. I still haven’t got my T-shirt yet, where is it?

A. T-shirt orders are sent to our fulfilment house bi-weekly, so it could take an extra few days for them to receive an order. Please allow 3-5 working days from the day they receive your T-shirt(s). This is Pieta’s largest fundraising event which creates a high volume of orders, so please be patient. 

Q. What about my friends who aren’t on Facebook? Can they donate?

A. Facebook makes it very easy for people to donate, but you have to be a Facebook user. If they want to give you the money directly, you can donate by sending on to our Darkness Into Light page here using the reference 5kminmay23

 Q. My friend’s donation isn’t showing up on my FB Fundraiser.

A.This can take up to 24 hours to show on your page. Please be patient and allow time for Facebook to catch up. Pieta has no access to the back end of Facebook, so we can’t fix complicated issues and may have to refer to Facebook. 

Q. I can’t find my Facebook Fundraiser. Can you tell me where it is?

A.No problem! If you scroll down to your Facebook Profile Page, you’ll find it there. Or you can click on this link to manage “Your active Fundraisers” -

Q. My confirmation email didn’t arrive.

A. If you registered here, you should have received your confirmation email. Please email us at if you have not received this.  

Also, you can join the Facebook Group and post your questions there. You can also post updates on your challenge and join a community of fellow fundraisers and 5k-ers here.

Q. How can I do this challenge safely?

A. The safety of all participants is our number one concern. If you are concerned about embarking on this challenge, please consult your GP.

 Thank you for your support from all at Pieta!